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Painted by a bone-painted woman (8th Dec 22 at 1:24am UTC)
Is the murderer really Li Mingzhou? So simple? Is this case solved? Ji Yunshu did not feel, nor was he sure in his heart. Suspicious way, "but what is the motive of Li Mingzhou's murder?"? Why would he kill someone? And what does this tattoo mean? Jing Rong thought about it and suddenly said, "Maybe someone knows." "Who?" "Zhao Huai!" Chapter 403 a horse stumbles, let alone a man. Chapter 403 a horse stumbles, let alone a man. "Zhao Huai!" She almost forgot that Zhao Huai and others had been following them from Shanhuai County to Yuzhou City. Can "Aren't they going to the Imperial Palace, too?"? By this time, he should have left Yuzhou City. Suspicious! Jing Rong said helplessly, "Zhao Huai's people are guarding outside the county government office every day, staring at the door of the government office with a pair of eyes. The king wants to catch them many times to ask for clarification, but they don't have any other thoughts, so let it go." "So where are they going to the Imperial Palace? They are clearly following us." "Whether it is or not, don't care about it for the time being. The origin of this tattoo is the most important thing. Anyway, Zhao Huai is also a person on the road. He should know something. The king sent someone to ask him to go to the Yamen and ask him." Ji Yunshu nodded, "let someone take the portrait of this tattoo to him." "Yes." After a group of people returned to the Yamen from the cemetery, Jing Rong let Langbo go in person. Outside the Yamen! Not far away, two figures stick behind the corner, from time to time looking at the Yamen in and out of the situation, dare not relax for a moment. As soon as Langbo came out of the Yamen,x52 line pipe, he saw two pairs of eyes staring at him in the distance. He grinned and walked over there. The two men who were hiding in the corner saw him coming and wanted to leave quickly, but they didn't know that they were finally caught by Langbo. Stuck in a dead end! The two trembled and asked, "What are you going to do?" "Do what?" Lang Bo smiled. "You've been staring at the Yamen these two days, but I want to ask you what you're going to do." "We didn't stare." I've caught them all red-handed, and I still want to deny it. How about it? Would you like me to take you in and sit down? Make a cup of tea and have a good chat. The two men looked at each other and swallowed saliva. But he denied it. "We're just passing through here." "Did your boss tell you to do that?" "No." Two people quibble, the heart knows is not the opponent of Langbo, so the tone dare not hard,x60 line pipe, lest be beaten up. Langbo looked at them coldly, a pair of "I have long seen through" eyes slightly narrowed, no longer continue to debunk, but put a piece of paper into their hands. Go and ask your boss if he knows this tattoo. If he does, let him come to the Yamen as soon as possible. Remember, this is an important thing. If you delay, next time I will arrest you into the Yamen and let you taste our ten tortures. After the warning, Langbo turned around smartly. Leave! The remaining two men looked confused. Also afraid of really delay things, torture to serve, then hurriedly dodge to inform Zhao Huai. Yamen backyard! Ji Yunshu washed his hands outside and sat on the stone bench thinking about things, his mind full of the murder case. Tattoo? Bracelet? Human skin mask? Shoes that don't fit? The victim was hanged? And the stained dress? Everything, if there is a connection, what kind of connection is it? Now, uns s32760 plate ,316l stainless steel pipe, her mind is full of clues. All of a sudden "What is Mr. Ji thinking?" Wen Lingyang's voice sounded. She pulled her thoughts back, and the man had sat down in the chair opposite her. Master Wen has something to find me? "No, I just passed by and saw my husband thinking about something, so I went in and asked if there was anything I could do to help." The tone of a modest gentleman, with magnetism! Between the eyebrows and eyes, and Ji Pei is indeed somewhat similar in spirit. If you look at it carefully, it will really make people fall into it. Ji Yunshu responded with a smile, "In fact, it is the case, a lot of things accumulated together, but people are confused." "But Monsieur is a wise man, and this case will be solved.".
” "A horse stumbles, not to mention a man!" Ji Yunshu responded modestly! Wen Lingyang nodded, smiled, and carefully looked at her a few eyes, that white and clean face, delicate facial features, like a craftsman carved in general, that cattail fan-like eyelashes, clear eyes as if condensed with deep light, showing a sense of melancholy. The temperament of the whole person is less rigid than that of a man and more flexible than that of a woman. If he is not a man, he must be a beauty. Ji Yunshu was a little uncomfortable when he saw him, so he asked, "Is there something dirty on his face?" With these words, he wiped it gently with his sleeve. No, I just feel that my husband is very elegant, knows how to do autopsy and painting, and can solve unsolved cases. It's really enviable. It would be better if Wenmou had half of my husband. "Master Wen's words are heavy, and I'm just showing off my incompetence. My knowledge is shallow, and I can't get on the stage. On the contrary, Master Wen, you have read a lot of books and are absolutely capable. Even your ink is penetrating and your backbone is penetrating. You should have fought for the imperial examination again and made progress in your official career. But I heard Chief Zhang say that Master Wen, you don't like to fight for fame and wealth, but you are a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth. You would rather stay in the city of I don't want to dabble in officialdom. How can I be in such a state of mind? "You're welcome!"! But a rough man. Two people flatter each other, but every word is sincere! Wen Lingyang asked, "Are you from Jinjiang?" "Yes." "Jinjiang is located in Beiliang. Although the world is colder, it is also like a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. It is a good place." He then asked, "Jinjiang is very good. I wonder why you went to the capital?" Ji Yunshu: "Coincidence of life." Wen Lingyang smiled and said, "This time King Rong went to the Imperial Palace to investigate the matter of the silver for disaster relief, and you also accompanied him. It can be seen that King Rong trusted you very much. It is said that the capital is a place of dragon pools and tiger dens. But you have King Rong beside you, and it is also Mount Tai that you can rely on. Moreover, King Rong also took you to the Imperial Palace with him. It can be seen that he is not ordinary to you." In modern terms,x56 line pipe, isn't it said that Ji Yunshu is a gold digger? Ouch, Ouch, Ouch. lksteelpipe.com
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