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Summary of Common (12th Dec 22 at 12:45am UTC)
Summary of Common
Original Title: Summary of Commonly Used Compressed Air Drying and Dewatering Methods All atmospheres contain water vapor, but when air is compressed,wiped film distillation, the relative humidity of water increases to 100%. To avoid problems caused by water settling in the piping and connected downstream equipment, a compressed air dryer must be provided. In the post-processing equipment of air compressor,cbd centrifugal extractor, there are mainly air storage tank, dryer and filter. The dry compressed air can ensure the smooth operation of the air system of the air compressor and the production process. The function of the dryer is to eliminate the condensed water in the compressed air and ensure the discharge of dry and clean compressed air. Jiangsu Jiayu Refrigeration Dryer Excessive compression The air is compressed to a higher pressure than the expected operating pressure, nutsche filter dryer ,wiped film distillation, which means that more water is condensed out of the system during compression. As the air cools in the compressor aftercooler, additional water is separated out. The air is then expanded to the working pressure and a lower pressure dew point is obtained. This method is only suitable for very small air flow rates due to its high energy consumption. Jiangsu Jiayu Zero Gas Consumption Adsorption Dryer Adsorption and drying Adsorption dryers work on a simple principle-moist air flows through the desiccant to dry. Once the desiccant material is absorbed by the water, it regenerates to restore its drying ability. Sorption dryers are typically constructed with two drying vessels, the first vessel drying the incoming compressed air, while the second vessel is responsible for regeneration. Expand the full text Jiangsu Jiayu combined dryer Refrigerant desiccant The refrigerant drying process involves cooling the compressed air to allow a large amount of water to condense and separate. After cooling and condensation, the compressed air is reheated to room temperature so that no condensation forms on the outside of the piping system. The temperature at which unsaturated air reaches saturation by lowering its temperature while keeping the partial pressure of water vapor constant (that is, keeping the absolute water content constant) is called the dew point. When the temperature drops to the dew point, condensed water droplets are separated out of the humid air. The dew point of humid air is not only related to the temperature, but also to the amount of water content in the humid air. The dew point is high when the water content is high, and the dew point is low when the water content is low. When humid air is compressed,decarboxylation after extraction, the density of water vapor increases and the temperature rises. When the compressed air is cooled, the relative humidity increases. When the temperature continues to drop until the relative humidity reaches 100%, water droplets will be separated from the compressed air. The temperature at this time is the pressure dew point of the compressed air. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:. toptiontech.com
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